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Contact Ohio Refrigeration

Contact Allen Refrigeration in Dayton, Ohio


Thank you for visiting Allen Refrigeration. We are located in Dayton, Ohio and are one of the mid-west largest distributors of used, refurbished and new commercial refrigerators and commercial freezers. We supply refrigerators and freezers to those in the restaurant business, convenient store business and any other type business that require refrigeration coolers and freezers. We can be contacted at (937) 223-0240 from 8am to 4:30pm eastern standard time, Monday thru Friday.

Allen Refrigeration ships direct to you, no matter your location with-in the upper 48 states. All of our shipments come with lift gate service, so you do not have to worry about having a loading dock or forklift to unload your new commercial refrigerator, commercial cooler or commercial freezer ... we will take care of that for you!

Or, you may contact us via email, by simply filling in the form below and submitting it to us. All orders can be placed online or by phone.


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